Back to Basics (Part 2): Embracing Change Management

In my previous article, Back to Basics – Part 1: The Importance of the eDiscovery Process Review, we discussed the importance of continually evaluating processes in a world of constant…

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Remembering eDiscovery Defensibility in a Crisis

Notwithstanding containment efforts, the coronavirus has spread worldwide.  According to a recent McKinsey & Co. report, the U.S. economy could be in a state of recovery until as late as 2023.…

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Responding to a DSAR Request

In a previous post, I discussed what a DSAR is, the laws that such requests arose from, and the importance of having a systematic approach to dealing with a request. Now…

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Mentorship During a Pandemic: Why It’s More Essential Than Ever

Mentorship is one of the principal keys to success, yet many people struggle to find a mentor or to establish a productive mentor/mentee relationship. At every point of my career, mentors have helped me develop and improve certain vital skills including communication, leadership,…

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